Reading Time: < 1 minute Only 6 members and 2 visitors rode this week. Numbers are down a bit on last year so come on down and have a go. You don’t have to be a member of a club to have a go. Fastest of the night was Mark Hassall with 24:41, WVCC Clubman Craig Lee was 2nd in […]
Cheshire (Holt )series no.4
Reading Time: < 1 minute By Sam Taylor The final round of the popular Wednesday night races tonight with Lloyd Smith, Jeff Wood and myself in the first race and John Keen in the second. I’ve had mixed luck so far in the series with a fourth and a last after getting caught in a crash on the last bend […]
Steve Jones Memorial RR 26/5.2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes Raced over 6 laps (60 miles) of the pretty flat Holt circuit, there was a good, strong field – my group (D) were racing with the younger (C) group, this can sometimes make things go a bit quicker than they otherwise would. The promised thunderstorm kept off for the race which was a good bonus. […]
WVCC Guardian Cup Round 4 – 22/5/2024.Ca
Reading Time: < 1 minute Unfortunately with a lot of surface water and roadside puddles from todays heavy downpour the course is not suitable for a 10TT and the decision has been taken to cancel tonights round.
WVCC Guardian Cup Round 3 – 15/5/2024
Reading Time: < 1 minute Round 3 results 10 riders this week. 3 rounds in and early leaders are:- Guardian Cup, Nigel Woods with 49 points; Gregory Scratch leader is David Vincent with 73 points and John Horsfield Road Bike leader is Geoff Lovelady with 62 points. Fastest on the night was Emily Martin with a 22:47. Many thanks […]
WVCC Guardian Cup Round 2 – 8/5/2024
Reading Time: < 1 minute 16 riders this week for round 2. A fine night saw Isaac Pembleton scoring top point in the GC with an improvement of 61 seconds. and 4 other riders scored personal best times. Many thanks to Carl Ruebotham, Adrian Japp, Alan SIlver and Colin Latter. Round 2 results John Horsfield Trophy (road bike competition) The Gregory […]
WVCC Guardian Cup Round 1 – 1/5/2024
Reading Time: < 1 minute Please note the table is provisional as Jim wasn’t present at last Wednesdays session so needs to verify between TT and Road Bikes. It was on the 2 lap course.
WVCC Guardian Cup Benchmark Round – 24/4
Reading Time: < 1 minute 18 riders faced Ann who was timekeeping on Wednesday night . The weather was cold, dry with light winds. There were some really fast time tonight and Lloyd Smith was fastest club member and continues to improve his course PB with 22:01 [ooh that was close] It was nice to have 2 Junior riders tonight […]
WVCC Risk Assessment Update 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes Since the start of the year seven of the committee plus three other members have undertaken first aid certification and a British Cycling Club Leader qualification. Both courses proved to be very worthwhile and have assisted us in the annual review of our generic Risk Assessment for club rides. This is available for members to […]
Tenerife – an invitation
Reading Time: 2 minutes From Andrew Mallagh I visited the Canaries a couple of times this last winter and did a really good vehicle supported guided tour with Tenerife Bike Training. It is run by the Delgado brothers who were fantastic. They are really well organised, great communication and safety and realistic pricing. Below are links to 3 of […]
Committee Update – March ’24
Reading Time: 3 minutes The committee met in early March for our regular meeting. News highlights include a new Off Road Secretary, news on how we hope to consolidate our improvements in safety, a potential Kit Demo from Provision and dates for the diary including the Mens and Womens Road Race! Off Road Secretary Having performed the role of […]
Summer 10 mile TT series
Reading Time: < 1 minute Roll up, Roll up. Test yourself against the watch and ride the club 10 summer series. Meet at Shakerley Mere Carpark at 6:30 pm every Wednesday night thru the summer for a 7pm start. [apart from 19th and 26th June] Check the calendar on the club website for details. £5 entry fee. 1st event is […]