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Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2010
Topics: 83 / Replies: 155
Replies: 2
Views: 1955
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Views: 1486
Re: Re: Borderlands Challenge, May 9th

Yes it was a challenging day, but a very enjoyable ride. Well done Tim on being the fastest rider, you get a mention here

9 years ago
Re: Re: Cheshire Classic 2015

Well done again Woody - a smooth running and excellent event. Great racing too with a very worthy winner

9 years ago
Re: Re: Club Dinner - 7th February 2015

Well said Alan - thanks to everyone who help make it a great evening.

9 years ago
Re: Re: Saturday 17th Jan

[attachment=0:1m1bd7md]20150117_111813.jpg[/attachment:1m1bd7md]Great blog and photos Matthew - glad you had a good ride and that there wasn't too muc...

10 years ago
Re: Re: Saturday 17th Jan

Sorry can't make this - have a great time!

10 years ago
Re: Re: Delamere Sat 3 Jan

A surprisingly good turnout and ride on such a cold, miserable morning. Andy B had to turn back due to a stomach upset, but Matthew, Paul H, Geoff M, ...

10 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1562
Re: Re: MTB ride Dec 29th

Hope you had a good ride all - I managed an hour and a half along the Whitegate way.See you at Delamere Saturday

10 years ago
Re: Re: Sat 20 Dec

I haven't been too well but hoping to make it out for this, so meet at the club HQ winnington park 9.30am for a ride along the local tracks and trails...

10 years ago
10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 967
Re: Re: Delamere Sat 6 Dec

[attachment=1:1dqlaq6p]image2.png[/attachment:1dqlaq6p]A couple of photos of the smaller group on a lovely morning on top of Old Pale

10 years ago
Re: Re: Delamere Sat 6 Dec

Glad you made it after all Paul! It turned out lovely in the sunshine and great to see so may out on a frosty morning - probably safer on the tracks a...

10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 962
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