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Mersey RC 24 Hour National Championship ...

Reading Time: 11 minutes First of all a big congratulations to Jimmy Williams for completing the Mersey RC & National 24 Hour championship this weekend.  The result and everything else are just part of the (lengthy sorry), story and we’ll get on to that, but the achievement for every rider is just getting to the finish.  Jim will create […]

Audlem RR Series Event 1 (of 4)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Audlem is lucky to have 2 road race circuits that comply with the rules, however, last weeks event was cancelled as both had road works on, so tonight’s event became the first on the series of 4. Condidtions were dry with a bit of a breeze, it was initially quite cool considering we are now […]

Team Swift 10 , 6th July 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Carl Ruebotham said ” you need to get over and ride the V718 mate it’s really fast”  “not fast enough for an Open Event, and too fast for the slowest riders event” says I…. But,  I decided that if you want to win the lottery, you have start off with a a couple of […]

Two Mills Club Run – A case of mistaken

Reading Time: 4 minutes What a difference a few days makes in weather terms. As I rolled up at the club, I already felt overdressed with arm warmers on, so peeled them off at stuffed them into my saddlebag. The clear and warm weather brought plenty out, and two runs were set on their respective journeys, with Paul navigating […]

Lift up – plummet down.

Lift up – plummet down.

Reading Time: 2 minutes On the face of it there’s not a lot to report about a day out at Antur Stiniog. You arrive, chuck your bike on a trailer, ride to the top of a hill in a minibus, tear-arse down to the bottom and repeat, (x15) until it’s time to go home. Or you are broken. Or […]