This is the access page for an archive of forum entries. The forum iteslf is no longer available for new content. New social based chat is available on the club Facebook group.
Thank you for your reply Ady.
Thanks Jules, much appreciated.
30 views and no replies to my question. There was no blog this week so I just wanted to know how you all got on. Perhaps I should refrain from showing...
Reading your post cheered me up Dave, thanks.
....................................."I'll never say never Andy" ............Well, 'never' is exactly what I said in my original post on this subject ...
Andy, regarding the words I used (in my original post), I still believe they apply; you can't deny that facebook can be very addictive and I'm sure yo...
You're welcome Andy. You'll notice I've made a few amendments. I was perhaps a little over zealous to start with and I apologize for that. The majorit...
Andy, thanks for asking me this question. I worry now because if I really ‘go to town' on my heart felt feelings about Facebook, I am surely going to ...
You make a lot of sense in your post Steve. I'm particularly interested in the idea of gaining access to facebook feeds through the club website. Wit...
I agree with all of your sentiments John.I do feel that those members who are not on facebook have been let down and quite a few have no idea why the ...
Jim, I've just spoken to Terry about the 'Ferry Ride' and he told me that it will be going ahead. He will post details on the Forum as soon as he's pl...
Thanks Jules. I've just read it and as usual, an excellent write up from Ady. Seems all is well with Graham and Carl and hopefully, they'll benefit f...
Thanks Jules