Bit of a micro-blog, but relevant nevertheless.
Yesterday, the 26th February 2021, the Silver Jubilee Bridge in Runcorn re-opened after 3 years.
Why is this news and being posted on our web site?
Simple. It is the first bridge locally that I know of that now has a dedicated and separated cycle roadway. That’s right. Cycles only. It is a nice, generously wide lane, now separated from the single carriageway traffic lanes that are used for local travel, in addition to the larger mass transport system for the Mersey Gateway bridge – which you can’t cycle or walk over.
So, I whizzed out on my Brompton this morning for a (very) short ride to check it out.
Although his may not seem like huge news for those who live outside of Runcorn, in fact, this opens up the possibility of a greater choice of rides in a different directions than those that we normally take. Usually, the only ride that takes in this route is the Ferry Across the Mersey ride, and we usually avoid the route at other times due to the previously limited and narrow shared pedestrian/cycle cantilevered path that has been in existence since the bridge was first widened and renamed in 1977 (hence Silver Jubilee).
So, possibilities of riding up to Southport, and the rest of the coast and other areas, are made a little easier without long detours just because of this short section of cycleway. It links conveniently with the Trans-Pennine Trail, so opens up some interesting ideas for routes.
When we are finally allowed to do so by law, I’m sure we’ll give it a go…