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Long run - Sunday 1...
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Long run - Sunday 13th September

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After being inspired by the Blwch today in the ToB, thinking sugar plum tea rooms in Ruthin 🙂

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Great ride Jim. Blog on looking forward to John's report and Iain's photos!

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Great blog Els, I felt your pain!! Can honestly say was not gutted to have missed this ride!!! 😮 😉

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Sounds like a great run 😀 Not a new cafe to the club though

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Great blog Els, it was a tough day out and you did fantastic. JK also is much stronger than last week, he will soon be back to a 100%. I must say, you can't blame Iain for the old Bwlch, that was most defiantly my idea, and not the best one I have ever had ;-), need to loose a stone before I try it again lol. Here is proof of Els trying not to throw up. [attachment=0:3mol8g1e]ImageUploadedByTapatalk1442193958.048415.jpg[/attachment:3mol8g1e]

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I suppose your 7 or so QOMs will ease you pain Els. 😉

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'There was not much scope for chat'

I do love Eleanor's blog, she says it all really.

I was supposed to be home early yesterday as we, the family, were all going out in the afternoon.
Before i left in the morning i said to Paula, 'i'll be going on the short run'.
Riding to Northwich i knew i was going on the short run.
As soon as i got to the club my brain instructed me to go on the long run. Not my fault. It's my tiny brain's fault.
Since last Sunday, aside from a very brief exploratory ride (which was really painful) i have not touched the bike but was taking diclofenac tablets every day up till Thursday. Thankfully in view of how the day unfolded my knee felt much better and only gave some twinges from time to time, nothing like the pain of last week.
We headed out at a swift pace passing many Manchester 100 riders along the route (it's so nice flying past sportive riders like that; it makes you seem much better than you actually are).
Everything was pretty flat and fast really until the Kinnerton grind and then of course the lovely hill up through Treuddyn. As most everyone sped away from me I concentrated on just keeping my heart below 180 and Eleanor behind me. Half way up the climb i had a little scare as an overtaking car towing a caravan pulled in too quickly and banged in to my elbow in doing so. A really close one.
The descent into Ruthin is always good fun, fast and technical and it was a pretty easy ride sitting behind the combined windbreaks of Iain and Jim.
Beans on toast all round at a really quaint cafe ended all too soon and we were out into the sun and the joys of the Bwlch pass. It's the first time since i can remember that i have had to walk up but i did for about 100 yards. The pain of that side of the hill is compensated by the 50mph descent on the other side and thence swiftly up out of Loggerheads only to be passed by 'Hand of God' Eleanor.
Another swift descent down the Rainbow set the trend for the rest of the afternoon as our pace on the way home through Kinnerton to Chester remained 'challenging'. We took the main road from Chester and i lost touch with the front group going up the rise to Tarvin, my knee at this point protesting quite loudly.
From there, those of us remaining had a relatively sedate ride home until we all went our separate ways.
I got home with 112 miles completed only to find my lovely wife had of course gone out and that i had forgotten my house keys. I rang Paula but no reply.
I plodded down the lane and back again. Nope.
Went for a slightly longer loop. Still nothing.
Waited outside. Got cold.
Went for a longer ride telling myself i could use it as a cool down ride.
After several more swoops past the house Paula eventually drove past me on the lane and i got in at 6.00pm having had the mother of all cool down rides giving me a total of 127miles for the day.
It was an excellent day out, well lead by Jim, thankyou. My knee is definitely getting stronger and there was a real improvement. It's amazing how quickly your body gets it's self back in order once you start exercising again isn't it?
See you next week!

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Lol, it can only happen to you john.

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Love reading your blogs John 😆 😆

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You would have loved it Carol. Pity you weren't there!

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Brilliant JK 😆
