It’s back!

I have had several requests to run the Virtual 10 series again and so it’s making a reappearance again in the New Year.
Once again it will be on the Tempus Fugit course for consistency/comparison with last years times.
The proposed date is every Wednesday at 19:00 (following the results of the poll) with the first round on Wednesday 5th January 2022.
Once again the rules to gain access are simple, Follow me on Zwift (if you haven’t already done so. Then drop me a message through Messenger or tag me in the Facebook comment so I know to add you to the list.
The first meetup will be set up on either 29/12 or 30/12 (must be within 7 days of the actual date) so if you are on the list you should automatically get an invite. Once added to the list you get invited every week. You MUST accept the Meeting Invite on Zwift to join. If you don’t accept you don’t see the pop up on Zwift at the time of the event.