Hi all,
After another amazing weekend last year we thought we had better do it all again, although I am not sure we can guarantee the same weather!
So if you fancy the challenge of riding from Northwich to Llanberis 100ish miles & back again 90ish miles, with a supportive bunch of like minded cyclists, in Sunshine / Rain / Wind / Hail / Hopefully not snow (delete as motivational) then read on…
If the distance is putting you off it has become quite fashionable recently to do a “half”, i.e. avoid the flat warm up from Northwich & ride from Ruthin. That means there are no more excuses not to join the ride as its essentially 2 club runs 😊
This is to let you all know that I am now taking names for Llanberis 2024, there is strict priority for WVCC members, 1st or 2nd claim [if you haven’t yet paid your 2023/24 subs, there is still time]
The costs for the hotel / Van hire / lunch / Fuel etc have of course risen again since the 2023 event, for reasons we are all well aware of, thank you Westminster…
The weekend is the 23rd / 24th March 2024. I am expecting the cost to be between £110 and £125. and will confirm costs as soon as I can.
For this, you get Bag Transport, Broom/Spares Wagon [sometimes called International Rescue] Lunch at Ruthin both days, and 1 night BB & EM in the Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis. Alan & Colin have already confirmed that they will support the event again! – Legends!
All is required at this time is you to notify me by email of your wish to reserve a place, payment details will come in due course.
There are limited spaces for this event so don’t hesitate!
Please reply by email only to benn_jones@btinternet.com [no FB or other methods]
Many thanks
Benn Jones