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Headlines from November Committee meeting

Membership Secretary – Jim Duffy has decided to step down after a number of years doing this role and will be succeeded by John Keen. They are just in the process of handing over at the moment. Many thanks to Jim for his valuable and flawless contribution whilst doing the role and also to John for volunteering to take the role especially as he is also helping out planning long rides until we appoint a Club Runs Captain.

WVCC strategic plan – we are starting the first steps in executing the actions identified by the working group earlier in the year with

Focus on doing what we already do better &

  • Road Rides
  • MTB
  • Events & trips
  • Create a structured & planned offer for the above
    – regular rides and meet ups at different paces /
  • Create a communications & Community outreach
    plan including collaboration with other clubs /
    sports / organisations

We recognise that it is difficult to cater for all needs on one club run so we are aiming to provide alternatives and stick to what we advertise so people know what to expect when turning up on Sunday. The Club runs will be posted in advance with supporting detail on both this website Calendar and Facebook. Anyone wishing to view the strategy document please email me at

Llanberis weekend – is set for Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March 2024.Benn is working on details of joining instructions and costs and will send out a communication in due course.

Club dinner and presentation evening 2024 – proposed date is Saturday 3rd February 2024,Graham is organising a venue and speaker and once confirmed we will send out invites.

WVCC Cyclo Cross event – please note that it is this Sunday 19th November at the Cheshire Showground starting at 0915. Accordingly there wont be any official Club runs this Sunday but of course that doesn’t stop members making their own personal arrangements with others.