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Llanberis 2016
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Llanberis 2016

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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 246
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I did intend to put it on here at the same time as FB, however places are going really fast, so if you interested then email of message me.
20/21 Feb 2016 cost Circa £70
Thats bags transported, 2 van support, food at Ruthin both days, evening meal, bed and breakfast at Llanberis.. great value..

I will be looking for at least a £40 deposit or full payment [to show your commitment and cover the hotel charges] by end of November

Member Admin
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 246
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Llanberis List, To save all the enquiries, Here is a list to date of those who have expressed interest.. [W] are WVCC members , {O} are others [these places will be confirmed before month end] if your name is not on this list and you want it to be.. email , PM ,FB or call me 07891555048, make it clear that you want to go.... I will be looking for you to commit by sending me a £40 deposit, this will cover the cost of the hotel room, if you cancel for any reason and I can't get someone else to go then the deposit is non refundable.. note there are only 7 places left.
1 Graham Gregory [W]
2 Anne Gregory [W]
3 Jim Williams [W]
4 Alan Silver [W] Driver
5 Syd Rimmer [W] Driver
6 Ewart Howkins [W]
7 Trevor Horton {O} Warrington
8 Glen Longland {O} Warrington
9 Iain Young [W]
10 Phil Booth [W]
11 Dane Walker [W]
12 Steve Freer {O}
13 Jack Campbell [W]
14 Kev Campbell [W]
15 Rich Munro [W]
16 Dave Fearon [W]
17 Caroline Fearon [W]
18 Steve Lucas [W]
19 Paddy Lucas [W]
20 Emily Martin [W]
21 Alan Kemp [W]
22 Jim Duffy [W]
23 Chris Gilberson [W]
24 Nick Butterworh [W]
25 Lee Suthard [W]
26 Steve Thomas [W]
27 Julian Perret [W]
28 Elaine Mossman [W]
29 Heather Bamforth {O}
30 Fred Bamforth {O}
31 Kris Zentek {O}
32 Craig Lee [W]
33 Matt Buckley [W]
34 Carl Ruebotham [W]
35 Andrew Risk [W]
36 Eleanor Underhill [W]
37 Kev Underhill [W]
38 Neil Drummond[W]
39 Rob Dacey [W]
40 Malkin Steve [W]
41 Ady Japp [W]
42 Andy Wooley [W]
43 Andy Wood [W}
44 Colin Carthy [W]
45 Rory Crone {O} Warrington
46 Ian Ralphs {O} Warrington
47 Ian Haddock {O} Warrington
48 Simon Boone {O}
49 John Hassell [W]
50 Stu Ward [W]
51 Geoff Mullett [W]
52 Paul McGowan {O} Warrington
53 Mark Gavin [W]
