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A good turn out this morning,  A short run to Tilly’s in Bunbury, navigated by Derek H, and a long run to Prees.. after the usual general socialising the long run set off first.. as we topped Burrows hill, Jules looked back and said “oh  Gosh, there’s quite a few takers” [or something to that effect] so we stopped by the Grange school, the navigators Jules and a guest rider from the Dulwich Paragon CC advocated we split the group in half.. one half going anti clockwise [and doing about 80miles] and one group going clockwise [doing about 70miles]  so we split.. but it wasn’t 50/50  more like 75/25 with the bigger group choosing the shorter distance..

Just 8 of us went on what we decided was the Long Long club run and not the Short Long club run [that was Jules’ run]  Our guest navigator must know the Cheshire Lanes [either that or he was lost, as at one point, Carol shouted, “how come we’re near Crewe, and I’ve got 31 miles in”?] anyway we meandered slowly thru the lanes and I got to Prees with 55 on the clock.. we got there just as the Short Long run where leaving [one out-one in]… ..

I then went off on my own for a bit extra [so was I on the Long, Long, Long club run?] but the weather did it’s usual summer thing and started to bucket down.. oh well another pair of white socks straight in the bin!