This is the access page for an archive of forum entries. The forum iteslf is no longer available for new content. New social based chat is available on the club Facebook group.
They have a lot of practice with warrantee claims thought. Earlier this year they had to recall EVERY set of the new hydraulic road/cyclocross brakes ...
Not going to be able to make it next Wednesday evening sorry Nick. I'm going to Bulgaria on my 40th birthday holiday. 😀
Epic's definitely the word Titch. Most started their GPS's at the Boat Lift, but I did it from home, so the whole ride was 108 miles. Pretty sure I'll...
Yes, I'm planning on coming.Do you want to borrow my tubeless wheels to save punctures? Is your bike 10 speed?
Thanks Dave.
Enjoy the ride everyone. I can't play out this year I'm afraid.Weather looks OK so far.
Ah thanks Woody, I'd looked through some of the linked photo gallery's from the race website but didn't really see any. Was going to e-mail you after ...
Well that was easy. So easy, I actually fell asleep on one run. Sorry, it's a link. For some reason I get an error message when trying to post a photo...
Are we going to arrange lifts for this? I'm happy to drive or share petrol money.
Great. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to it.
17th of May is only a couple of weeks after Sarah is having an operation, which will see her laid up for a few weeks probably. The June date would be ...
One big warning Andy ..... punctures!!! 😮 Big answer Dave..... Tubeless!!!Actually, to be fair, he is dead right, so right in fact I'd be willing to ...
Claire, can you e-mail or PM me with the details, like what you want us to bring and such like. Ta.
Did I really say that? I can't find it at all.I'd probably have a punt at that, 100 miler off road including to the start and back would be nice. If w...
I suspect if we did that, people will come from far and wide to have their old crocks repaired for nothing!