We’ve now made joining the club even easier!

If you wish to join us, just follow the link below to the British Cycling web site, where you can apply to join, and pay your membership fee.

Join Weaver Valley Cycling Club

You don’t have to be British Cycling member to join the club or to use the on-line payment method. Membership runs from September to September. For new riders joining after the end of February membership will be half price.

Subscription fees effective from September 2018

Membership typePrice
Seniors (18 and over - most of us!)£20.00
Family (2 adults and all children under 16)£30.00
Veterans (those of a pensionable age)£10.00
Juveniles/Juniors (Under 18s)£ Free, only a nominal admin charge for processing if joining through BC web site)

We do recommend that members do join British Cycling or Cycling UK – links below, to benefit from advice and insurance amongst other benefits.

Join British Cycling

Join Cycling UK

Club Rules

All clubs have rules! Here are ours:

Club Rules